Garden forks in the soil
Preparation in autumn gets our gardens set for spring success. TV gardening presenter and Thrive Ambassador David Domoney explains how autumn is the start of the growing year.

By David Domoney

For many people, spring is the start of the growing year. It's a time of new growth, fresh leaves and brilliant early blooms. But, it's the autumn prep that can make the spring season a success.

There's lots of reasons why I think of autumn as the start of the growing year. Here's some of things you can be doing this season.

1. Looking forward

Autumn is a season for planning ahead and working towards the next goal. This is a great way of focusing the mind and giving ourselves a sense of purpose.

Achieving small goals along the way shows that our efforts are a success. The gardening jobs we do all through the year come together, resulting in our flourishing gardens.

2. Prepping plants

Photinia red robin hedge
A Photinia 'Red Robin' hedge

Planting hedges, shrubs and fruit bushes are great tasks to do in autumn. Hawthorn, privet, gooseberries, currants, and blackberries all do well when planted at this time of year. This is because they get a chance to root in before the winter. They can then get a good start in spring.

Trees can also be moved this season while they are dormant and not actively growing.

This forward thinking will help with a fruitful harvest, flowers and foliage in the following year.

3. Tidying beds and borders

Garden forks in the soil
Garden forks in the soil

Your beds and borders will benefit from a sort out. Remove spent flowers, dying leaves and stems by hand, or cut them at the base. Remove weeds as well and this will make the space look neat and tidy.

Spread some organic matter, like well-rotted manure, over the soil. This will make a layer of insulation for the roots of your plants through the winter. The worms will do a great job working it into the soil for you!

These jobs will keep your body moving and active by bending, pulling, and digging.

4. Adding protection

Plants wrapped in horticultural fleece
Plants wrapped in horticultural fleece

We keep ourselves warm in the winter. Preparing and protecting plants for the colder months is important too.

Do this by moving tender perennials under cover from the frost. Mulch beds and borders with organic matter, or add a layer of bark or wood chips. Wrap tender tree trunks, such as palm trees, with a fleece for winter protection.

5. Making repairs

Allotment garden shed 6
A shed in an allotment garden

Your garden may have gone through a lot during the growing season. Take some time to make repairs and check your garden is ready for the winter winds.

Raised beds, sheds, compost bins, greenhouses and fences will all benefit from a check. Make sure they are strong enough with no leaky roofs or weak spots. This will help them cope with autumnal gales. You can also enjoy getting everything spick-and-span for when the spring rolls around.

6. Gathering leaves

Autumn leaves gathered on a path
Autumn leaves gathered on a path

Clearing fallen leaves will keep your garden looking tidy. It will keep it safe too, as they can become slip hazards on lawns and paths.

Collecting leaves gives you plenty of ‘brown’ materials for your compost heap. This will provide carbon to the compost mix to help the process. Lovely rich compost will help your harvests to thrive through the year. Don't add too many leaves to the pile at once, or it can end up slowing down the process.

Another option is to gather the leaves in a hessian bag and leave them behind the shed so they can break down.

With all these tips covered, your garden will be ready to re-emerge from the cooler months with bright blooms, fresh fruits, and fantastic foliage. The jobs and preparation now will benefit your future garden and prolongs the time you spend outdoors getting fresh air and keeping active.

  • David Domoney is a Chartered Horticulturalist and a TV broadcaster, working on shows such as Love Your Garden.

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