Gardens are special spaces. They can improve our wellbeing in many ways, helping us feel calm or giving a sense of purpose.
Houseplants can be affected by the seasons as much as plants outdoors. Thrive ambassador David Domoney offers advice on caring for houseplants in winter, to keep them looking their best.
What gardening tools and equipment couldn't you do without? Our Gardening Club members and Thrive staff share their most useful items.
Get set for spring by collecting ideas for your garden. You could follow our guide and make a collage or plot plan for plants and more.
Millions of people across the UK have lung conditions, such as asthma, bronchiectasis, or pulmonary fibrosis. We share advice on gardening comfortably for health and wellbeing.
Finding enjoyable and manageable gardening activities can help your long-term rehabilitation, recovery and wellbeing.
Find advice and tips when thinking about accessible, wheelchair friendly garden design.