Training general
Thrive offers a range of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) training courses and workshops which allow students to tailor their learning journey based on their own experience and aspirations.
Courses diagram6

Below is a summary of our introductory, foundation, intermediate and advanced courses: -

Foundation courses

These courses are ideal for anyone who is new to STH practice and looking to gain a foundational understanding of what STH is about.

You may also like to read our information page on social and therapeutic horticulture. We also have two free Introductory Courses - What is STH? and What is Green Care? That can be found through this link.

Foundation courses
Course title Format Length Course fee
What is STH Online Under 5 hours of learning Free
What is Green Care Online Under 5 hours of learning Free
Step into STH Face to face One day £80
Introduction to STH Blended 5-10 hours learning over 1 week* £120

*including live online events

Intermediate courses

Our intermediate courses have been put together for professionals and STH practitioners who are looking to improve their practice and outcomes for their clients.

Intermediate courses
Course title Format Length Course fee
STH practice Blended 20-28 hours learning* £195
Using STH to benefit -
- people with learning disabilities Face to face 2 days £295
- people with mental health support needs Face to face 2 days £295
- children with SEND Face to face 2 days £295

*including live online events

Advanced courses

Our advanced courses are targeted at individuals who are looking to become experts in STH. These courses explore a broad spectrum of practice in STH and allow students to tailor STH programmes to client groups and settings.

Advanced courses
Course title Format Length Course fee
Award in STH Blended 150 hours of learning £530**
Diploma in STH Face to face / online 600 hours of learning over 2 years £4200***

** A pre-requisite for the Award in STH course is attending one of our Intermediate courses. The £530 course fee excludes the cost of attending one of these courses. Further details about the Award can be found here.

*** Please note there are 3 full Diploma bursaries available to those who have less than £23,000 personal income per year. Further details about the Diploma can be found here.

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Courses & workshops

If you’re looking to continue your learning and build up knowledge in a specialist area, take a look at the specialist courses we offer.

These courses are suitable for professionals, practitioners and volunteers who want to deepen their understanding, develop their skills and implement their own STH programme.

The table below provides a summary of our specialist courses:

Specialist CPD courses
Course title Format Length Course fee
Goal setting in green care Online Under 10 hours of learning £70
Principles of STH Online Under 10 hours of learning £70
Demonstrate your impact Blended 5-10 hours learning over 1 week* £120
Setting up a STH project Blended 5-10 hours learning over 1 week* £120
Understanding disability in garden design Blended 5-10 hours learning over 1 week* £120
Using gardens & nature in care settings Blended 8-12 hours learning over 2 weeks* £120

*including live online events

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Courses & workshops
Training outdoors