Houseplants can be affected by the seasons as much as plants outdoors. Thrive ambassador David Domoney offers advice on caring for houseplants in winter, to keep them looking their best.
Get set for spring by collecting ideas for your garden. You could follow our guide and make a collage or plot plan for plants and more.
From fruit trees to grapevines, there are plenty of ways to bring delicious fruit into your garden. We look at some of the ways to grow your own.
In this guide, we look at how you can grow hyacinths indoors by planting bulbs in a jar or vase.
A nice cup of tea is an important part of many people’s routine. This guide looks at how to make our own herbal teas and the many benefits.
Lawns are as important a part of British gardens as fish and chips are to our national cuisine! With a little regular care your lawn can be your pride and joy.