I often refer to hedgehogs as ‘garden bouncers’ because they do a stand-up job of keeping pests, like slugs and snails, at bay. They’re a big ally!
As a patron for the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, I know that hedgehogs really need our help.
You can support hedgehogs by leaving out some food and drink for them.
Make sure to avoid giving milk. Hedgehogs are actually lactose intolerant and this will give them a nasty stomach upset. A supply of fresh water is a much better idea.
If you want to leave some food, go for chicken or turkey cat food in jelly. A bowl of this and you’ll soon find you get regular visitors! Don't give pet food in gravy as it's too salty.
For gardens with walled or fenced boundaries, make a little cut out in your garden border. You want it to be about the size of a side plate. This will allow hedgehogs to pass from one garden to the next and escape from predators.
If you signpost it ‘Hedgehog Highway’ you might find your neighbours join in too!
As they prepare for hibernation, you can do a lot to ensure that hedgehogs survive the cold winter nights.
A hedgehog home is a really simple way to give these incredible creatures a safe habitat. I have more information about how to build your own on my website.
So, spare a thought for these marvellous little mammals and you’ll find that it’s a rewarding effort for both you and your garden.