Helpful information
Timing: All year around (you may get extra enjoyment from it in winter)
Where to do it: Indoors
Timing: All year around (you may get extra enjoyment from it in winter)
Where to do it: Indoors
A wide range of cacti and succulents will suit your miniature desert garden. You can often find these small plants in garden centres, supermarkets and shops selling home items. You could choose:
Essential items
Optional items
Step 1. Gather your equipment and find a suitable place to work
Have everything within arm's reach to make it easier.
Step 2. Put a layer of pebbles in your container
You want a roughly 5cm layer of clean pebbles in the bottom of the container.
Step 3. Add your soil to almost the top
Add your choice of soil on top of the pebbles. Fill the container until the soil is around 5cm from the top.
Step 4. Water the soil
Using a watering can or bottle top waterer, water the soil. You want it to be damp, not soggy. It is best to do this step before adding your plants.
Step 5. Add your plants
Plant your cacti and succulents. It's up to you exactly where in the container you would like them to go and how many plants to add. You might want to avoid having them too squashed together and give each plant a little bit of space.
Some cacti can be prickly. Getting them out of the pot without getting spiked can be tricky. You may find it easier to wear gardening gloves for this step.
Step 6. Add a top layer of pebbles
This only needs to be 1-2cm deep. You could use the same pebbles you used for the bottom layer. Or, you could use horticultural grit if you have it.
Step 7. Add decorations (optional)
There are lots of ways you can transform your container into a creative desert landscape. You could add stones and pebbles that look like big desert rocks. Or, you could add small figures, brightly coloured stones, mirrors, driftwood or anything else you like and adds interest.
Step 8. Find a light bright spot for your garden
A bright windowsill is ideal.
The good news is your desert garden should look after itself! Cacti and succulents need little to no water, especially in the winter.
All you need to do is make time to enjoy looking at it.