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Using gardening and cooking to promote lifelong learning and independence for Adults with learning disabilities and their families

Gardening and cooking are activities that provide great opportunities for learning and practicing the skills needed for independent living. They provide adults with learning disabilities with opportunities to continue lifelong learning in a social family setting, through activities that the family can easily support.

Thrive is currently involved in an international project aiming to improve the lives of adults living with learning disabilities by encouraging family gardening and cooking as a way of supporting ongoing learning and independence.

The project ultimately aims to develop toolkits and resources to enable families and educators to make the most of the lifelong learning opportunities that gardening, and cooking can provide, It will give insights into the social and therapeutic benefits of these activities and show families how they can help loved ones with a learning disability prepare for a more independent life.

Funded by the EU, this Erasmus Project will last for three years and see Thrive working with other not-for-profit organisations in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy.

For further information about the project please see http://www.erasmus-metura.eu/uk/


Email: Trish.Matthews@thrive.org.uk

Telephone: 0118 988 5688

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