Shape and layout
If your garden has straight paths and flower borders, that may easiest to manage.
Different landmarks around the garden can be great to help find your way around. Shrubs or trees, scented or tactile plants, items such as benches, and sound – from rustling plants, running water, or wind chimes, can all help you find your way.
Level paths with a surface that has good grip are safer and allow you to do things faster.
Where your paths change direction, you could mark this with a change in texture or colour. You could also add a marker like an ornament.
You could highlight path edges with white paint. If the path is by a flower border, you could grow yellow flowers like primroses at the front of the border so they are clear to see.
You could edge your flower borders with a low kerb. This will help keep soil in and stop it spilling onto any paths. This is helpful if you use a cane.
If you use a wheelchair or walking aid, paths that are wide enough for you to travel on with ample turning room will allow you to get into the garden.
Ramps and steps
If you garden has changes in level, a ramp is helpful. Ramps tend to be easier to manage than steps.
Both steps and ramps are easier to use if there is a sturdy handrail alongside. You could paint this a bright colour so it stands out.
Smaller lawns are more manageable than bigger ones. A rectangle shape with straight edges and a path down one side is the simplest to mow.
If you have a big lawn, you could reduce the size by adding paved or gravel areas. You could place pots and containers here.
Ponds and water
Ponds are great for wildlife, but looking after a pond can involve heavy jobs like clearing weed. If you want one, a small raised pond might be easier to maintain. You can also enjoy it from a sitting position.
A nice alternative to a pond is a low maintenance water feature. This will allow you to enjoy the sound of flowing water.
Easy distances
You can make it easier to get gardening if you are able to do tasks close to the house or wherever you keep your gardening equipment.
This might mean having a table and chairs near the back door, along with a collection of containers that are easy to access.