Social learning theory developed from other learning and behavioural theories developed across the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Albert Bandura built upon the work of others including Burrhus Skinner to present his most coherent description of social learning theory in 1977. Social Learning Theory puts greater emphasis on observation and imitation than previous more behaviourist theories that place greater emphasis on internal factors.
Social learning theory posits that humans learn through observing other's behaviour and the reactions to those observed behaviours. Bandura stated that:
As STH uses the social environment as a mechanism for outcomes Social Learning theory (alongside other learning theories) can support the practitioner to make sense of the social environment and support it towards a predictably positive state. The practitioner through this theory should be aware of their own behaviour but perhaps even more important their response to the behaviour of others as the de facto leader.
Bandura, Albert B, Social Learning Theory, (1977) ISBN 978-0138167516