Clients working in allotments Simon Kemp
These sessions are available for adults aged 18 and over and are facilitated by a STH Practitioner in small groups.

They are suitable for people who may be living with a variety of needs, such as a disability, long-term health condition, mental health support needs, sensory impairment or autism.

The therapist will tailor the gardening to an individual development plan and activities which focus on goals identified by the individual, their family, carer or support worker to help progress and/or recover. The groups undertake a wide variety of tasks within the garden; sowing seeds, potting on, planting out, weeding and watering.

Get in touch

If you or someone you know would like to attend this programme, please get in touch with the Reading team by phone on 0118 988 4844 or email trunkwell@thrive.org.uk

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