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The brand new app from Thrive, helping you garden your way to better health.


We are excited to bring you Cultivating Wellbeing, a brand-new app from Thrive. Create and follow your personalised gardening and nature wellbeing plan. Discover and plan activities to suit your garden space, needs and available time. Track your progress and reflect on your journey, with gentle motivation to keep you going.

Let's grow!

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When you subscribe to Cultivating Wellbeing, you can:

  • Create your personalised garden and nature wellbeing plan
  • Choose from a wide range of activities with step-by-step guides
  • Record thoughts in a reflection diary
  • Find a library of helpful resources
  • Get gentle motivation to keep you on track
All for just £2.49 a year!

When you subscribe to Cultivating Wellbeing, we offer a 14-day free trial. Cancel any time during this period and you won't be charged.

Cultivating Wellbeing Phone Trio 1
Phone screenshots from Cultivating Wellbeing app

Who is Cultivating Wellbeing suitable for?

  • Anyone age 18+ who would like to improve their health and wellbeing through time in gardens and nature
  • The app works on both iOS and Android operating systems
  • You don’t need a big garden, or a garden at all. A patio, balcony, or even windowsill inside will allow you to take part in activities
  • This app is suitable for any level of gardening experience, from novices to skilled gardeners
  • There are plenty of activities that need little to no equipment, so you don’t need an extensive gardening toolkit!
Important: For anyone experiencing severe physical or mental health symptoms, we advise consulting with a GP or health professional first.

Want to know more? View our FAQs

It's really good for your mental wellbeing to have that little nudge to say, ‘Oh, don't forget’

App pilot participant

It’s given me much more insight to how being outside can affect my mental wellbeing and how much happier I am.

App pilot participant

It just improves your mental health and wellbeing so much. You know, even a short space or a short burst of green therapy is amazing.

App pilot participant

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Cultivating wellbeing partner logos landscape
Cultivating Wellbeing partner logos

At Thrive, we know first-hand how gardening and time in nature can bring a range of benefits. We have over 40 years’ experience of an approach called social and therapeutic horticulture (STH).

We are delighted to be able to expand our support with Cultivating Wellbeing app, a new digital service developed in partnership with Big Lemon.

By helping you create and take ownership of your own plan, we hope the app will help to embed healthier behaviours and in turn improve your health and wellbeing.

We ran an extensive pilot of the app from July – December 2024. We commissioned the University of Essex to independently evaluate the impacts of Cultivating Wellbeing. Click here to read the initial evaluation report.

We are also proud to have passed the framework assessment set by the Organisation for Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA).

Any questions? Get in touch with Thrive today

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Tea outside garden

Thrive's new app is live!

Cultivating Wellbeing is the first gardening for health and wellbeing app. Create your personalised plan, find expert tips and garden your way to better health.

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