Thrive is joining a major international research effort to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities.

Working alongside organisations based in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy, the project aims to develop toolkits and resources to enable families to make the most of the lifelong learning opportunities that gardening and cooking can provide.

It will give insights into the social and therapeutic benefits of these activities and show families how they can help loved ones with a learning disability prepare for a more independent life.

Funded by the EU, the MeTURA Project will last for three years and see Thrive working with other European non-profit partners.

Obstacles and opportunities

Thrive will have a lead role in researching the obstacles and opportunities to therapeutic family gardening and also developing teaching and learning materials.

The project will culminate in a UK-based event in June 2021 to make the research and new materials available to as many interested people as possible.

Accessible home learning using video and interactive online materials, under the expert guidance of trained mentors, will be developed to support those with learning difficulties

As the only UK organisation taking part in this significant project, we are delighted that Thrive’s expertise in this field has been recognised.

Damien Newman, Thrive's Training, Education and Consultancy Manager

Damien Newman, Thrive’s Training, Education and Consultancy Manager, said: 'The idea of enablement within families to do this as part of family life is very important as for many with learning disabilities the family environment is where people spend most of their time.

'Developing this knowledge and the toolkits and resources will provide very practical and easy to follow ways to continue lifelong learning for adults with learning disabilities.

'As the only UK organisation taking part in this significant project, we are delighted that Thrive’s expertise in this field has been recognised.’