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Spending just 12 weeks taking part in a Thrive programme has made a real world of difference to Teena.

An accident when Teena was younger left her with a brain injury that causes epilepsy and memory problems.

Teena has just finished the Life Changers programme at Thrive Birmingham where she worked with our horticultural therapy team on a host of gardening activities which have equipped her with new skills that she aims to use in her own garden.

The result has been that her confidence has increased a great deal and her physical and mental health have improved ‘a lot’.

After the isolation of the spring lockdown, she has enjoyed the social side of coming to Thrive as well as learning to use tools and doing activities such as seed sowing that have improved her concentration and memory.

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‘I enjoyed meeting other people and it gave me something to look forward to,’ says Teena, who lives with her husband and son in the West Midlands. ‘I feel so much brighter and happier working together with others.’

Thrive Horticultural Therapist Sharon Waldron says Teena’s time on the programme has been truly life-changing.

‘We’ve been amazed at what Teena has achieved and she’s surprised herself too,’ says Sharon. ‘She’s engaged so well with all the tasks and never resisted the challenge to learn new things, in fact she thrives on it.

‘The interaction with other clients too, the banter, shared experiences and reminiscences were great for memory, confidence and general mental wellbeing.’

If you can, please support us so we can help more people via our Life Changers programme – make a donation here.

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