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The school summer holidays will soon be here but Thrive London has the answer to the perennial question `How can I keep the kids entertained?’

We’ll be holding a Sensational Summer Festival from 22nd-26th July offering children with disabilities and special educational needs the chance to explore nature, learn new skills and make friends.

Different activities will be happening each day, such as harvesting vegetables grown in the garden, tasting herbs, building bug hotels and creating pieces of artwork for the garden.

Children will get the chance to sow seeds or pot-up small plants which they’ll be able to keep and care for after the festival.

Ellen Hill, of Thrive London, said, `There aren’t many opportunities for young people with disabilities and special educational needs to take part in during the school summer holidays and so we hope this will not only fill a much-needed gap but also give the chance to try new things while enjoying our gardens within Battersea Park.’

The festival, which is funded by the National Park City Festival and supported by the Mayor of London, runs from 10.30am to 2.30pm daily. Drop in anytime, there’s no upper age limit although parental supervision is required.

Our office is located in Battersea Park, in the Main Garden.

Postal Address:

Thrive Park Office

Battersea Park 

Albert Bridge Road 

London  SW11 4NJ 

Tel: 020 7720 2212 Email: Battersea@thrive.org.uk

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