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A new in-depth qualification in Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) is being launched by Thrive this autumn.

The Thrive Diploma in STH will offer two years of study, with 1,200 hours of learning, and be the equivalent of a higher education diploma.

The seven modules of the non-Ofqual recognised course aim to equip people with the skills and knowledge to run STH in any practice setting.

The modules will cover:

  • The Fundamentals of STH
  • Activity centred on horticulture (double module)
  • Occupation and activity as therapy
  • Practitioner relationships
  • The social environment
  • Rationale for practice
  • Practice development

The first three modules will be completed in year one and the rest the following year.

Thrive tutors and external expert speakers with decades of STH knowledge and experience will deliver the diploma through a mix of online and in-person learning, with students required to attend classes a maximum of 20 days each year.

People graduating with this diploma will be among the most qualified and knowledgeable professionals in STH and nature-based approaches to health.

Damien Newman, Thrive Training and Education Manager

The Diploma will offer a mix of directed and self-directed learning, with opportunities for individual tutorials, project visits and personal reflection. Students will be required to complete assignments to meet learning outcomes.

Throughout, assessment activities will give students chances to show their skills, understanding, critical thinking and evaluation skills in ways relevant to their own learning journey and practice aspirations.

A key unit that will run over year one will provide an understanding of the principles of horticulture (and wider approaches to plant growth such as permaculture) and how they are applied in STH, learning about therapeutic garden design, creating therapy programmes, and exploring wider activity provision that supports the achievement of outcomes for the client gardener group.

In year two, students will explore how to develop the social environment within STH, creating social connectedness and supporting the groups to become self-supportive and to grow into independence and autonomy.

Damien Newman, Thrive’s Training and Education Manager, said: ‘People graduating with this diploma will be among the most qualified and knowledgeable professionals in STH and nature-based approaches to health.’

The first cohort of students will begin their studies this September. If you are interested in applying, contact our training team here

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