When Thrive had to close for lockdown, I decided to re design the front garden to cheer everyone up.
Firstly, I drew up a plan. We marked up the borders of the new flower beds. We cut the unwanted turf.
It was hard work digging it over and turning the soil as we had to get rid of the mare’s tail. I sifted the soil to get rid of any other weeds.
As the garden centre was closed, we moved around plants from the old pots at the back of the garden from window boxes and dug plants from the back garden. I planted sweet Williams, forget-me-nots and pansies.
I planted lots of old seeds in the shed, on window sills, and in the cold frame. Later on, we put them out to harden before planting them.
I grew calendula, petunia, antirrhinum. Later I planted out marigolds and lobelia.
I grew salad leaves, spinach, radishes, chilli, basil, parsley, beans and yummy strawberries.
My neighbours said that I cheered up the neighbourhood and the nation.
I am looking forward to rearranging my plot at Thrive and seeing all my friends.