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Thrive is excited to announce the return of our Award in STH which is now accredited by Open College Network London.

The award will be a level 5 certificate of 15 credits, involving 150 hours of learning, backed up a quality standards framework provided by the new accreditation from the Open College Network London.

A major part of the award is the completion over 16 weeks of a report on the development of an STH programme within a specific practice context.

The qualification will teach students how to assess an STH practice context, devise activities within that practice, understand the evidence behind them and how to measure change and outcomes.

The award consists of three different learning stages:

  • Participating in an access course
  • Accessing further taught content via our online learning platform, along with further essential reading
  • Writing a report on the development of an STH programme within a specific practice context

The access routes to the new qualification will be through our online blended Social and Therapeutic Horticulture Practice course or through 2-day client specific courses held in venues across the UK.

This initial guided learning will make up 14 of the suggested 150 hours of learning.

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In addition, there will be other learning to access online and some guided learning activities that can be completed at the student's own speed.

After this, students will move to the 16-week course assignment, producing a report on the use of Social and Therapeutic Horticulture within a practice context of their choosing.

This means students will be able to make their own choices in relation to reading and learning, completing a report with potential real-world value beyond the Award

Damien Newman, Thrive’s Training, Education and Consultancy Manager

Throughout the 16 weeks of assignment work, students will be able to access support from Thrive tutors at any time and make use of three scheduled tutorials.

The award course is also embedded into the new Diploma (non-OFQUAL registered), as one of seven units, and students who complete the award will be able to undertake the diploma without completing that unit.

Award course fees are £530, in addition to the charges for participating in the client specific or blended practice course.

If you are interested in studying for the award, please email training@thrive.org.uk

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