Thrive planting
Helping client gardeners realise their potential is what Thrive’s work is all about and that’s why support that enables us to do so is vital.

So, we are very happy to have received a donation of £23,000 from the staff of AWE who have supported us via challenge days and much more fundraising besides.

Julie Lane, AWE’s Responsible Business Manager, said, `We are delighted to support Thrive, our partnership charity, and their fabulous work in using gardening to bring about positive changes in the lives of people living with disabilities and ill health.

`Our staff have come together to raise the money by participating in a range of activities including our fun run, team challenge, cake sales, and book sale. We are pleased that so many staff have got involved and embraced the charity fund raising spirit.’

Thanking AWE staff, our CEO Kathryn Rossiter said their tremendous fundraising had made a significant contribution to Thrive’s work, adding: `It is so encouraging for our clients, staff and volunteers to see such generous support from one of the biggest workforces in our community.’

Thrive's new app is live!

Cultivating Wellbeing is the first gardening for health and wellbeing app. Create your personalised plan, find expert tips and garden your way to better health.

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