Sophy Kershaw 2
Sophy Kershaw worked as a writer and editor for over 30 years before joining Thrive’s Board.

Working for magazines such as Gardening Which?, Radio Times and Time Out, charities including Christian Aid and Shelter, and the international development think-tank ODI, she crafted and finessed a wide range of copy.

Sophy has loved being in the garden for as long as she can remember. As a young child she used to accompany her Australian grandfather around his Chilterns garden. ‘I was fascinated by plants even then,’ she says. ‘I learned so much from him.’ Gardening is obviously in the genes: her grandfather came from a family of distinguished horticulturalists in New South Wales.

It’s a real privilege to guide and shape a charity you believe in. It’s inspiring, rewarding and intellectually challenging.

Sophy has always believed that gardening is good for you, and has personal experience of the healing power of horticulture. After a decade in publishing, she took a career break to train in horticulture and volunteered at the Chelsea Physic Garden. She saw at first-hand how gardening can improve mental and physical health after illness, and reduce isolation and loneliness in those with long-term conditions.

Sophy joined the Board in 2018. ‘I’m really proud to be a Trustee of Thrive,’ she says. ‘It’s a brilliant charity.

'Hearing from our clients how social and therapeutic horticulture has changed their lives confirms my belief that gardening is good for you. I hope I can help bring that message to as many people as possible so they too can benefit from the healing power of gardening.'