Benjamin combs gardening mental wellbeing
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Planting out
A person planting out young plants

There are no current vacancies listed at other organisations. Please check back again for future opportunities.

Gardening woman
A person gardening

Do you want Thrive to advertise a job involving social and therapeutic horticulture? Our jobs page is viewed more than 1,000 times each month*. 

As well as posting your vacancy, we will promote the post through our social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, where we have more than 18,000 combined followers.

Advertising a job with us costs £35 per week or £90 for 3 weeks or more.

Please provide copy, images, a logo and any website links.

For more information or to place an advert contact us on 0118 988 5688 or email us.

*Google Analytics figures, 2023 data

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Paul teaching 2