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So many people celebrate their birthday every single day, friends and loved ones come together to share well wishes, photos and messages on Facebook. Why not make your birthday extra special by sharing your celebrations with Thrive?

When your special day is near, Facebook will invite you to set up a birthday fundraiser, you can choose Thrive as your nominated charity and set an amount you would like to raise for a period of time that suits you. You will also have the option to spread the word by telling your friends and family why you have chosen Thrive. If you're setting it up further in advance, follow these instructions.

Setting up a birthday fundraiser won’t cost you a penny but Thrive will be so grateful for any donations we receive in honour of your special day.

Rachel did exactly that and set up her own birthday fundraiser for Thrive, even beating the target she set herself. Rachel’s support is so gratefully received by everyone at Thrive and sharing with her friends and family mean that more people know about the fantastic work that we do.

Rachel smiling on a bridge

It was a pleasure to support Thrive for my birthday and I’m glad my friends were so generous!

Rachel, birthday fundraiser

“I chose to support Thrive because, having grown up in the country and always living near parks or fields, I’d be lost without the outdoors and I have a real appreciation for how nature impacts on mental growth and health.

I stumbled across Thrive while on a picnic in Kings Heath Park with my partner two years ago, and the idea of using gardening to improve a person’s wellbeing and instill responsibility made so much sense to me personally. We have such a beautiful planet.”

Set up your Facebook fundraiser

Follow the steps to start your birthday fundraiser today

Start fundraising

Don’t worry if you don’t use Facebook, you can still support us by using Just Giving. All you need to do is search for Thrive when prompted to choose the charity you’d like to support and share your unique link with your friends and family.

You could also direct your family and friends to donate directly to Thrive on our website, making sure to choose 'I'm giving in celebration of a special occasion' and leaving your name in the field provided so we can keep track of the amount raised for your birthday.

We'd love to hear from you beforehand so we can make sure to thank you for your efforts - contact fundraising@thrive.org.uk to let us know if you're supporting us in this kind way!

Find out how your fundraising can change lives

Who we help
Connor and Billy enjoying the gardens

Thrive's new app is live!

Cultivating Wellbeing is the first gardening for health and wellbeing app. Create your personalised plan, find expert tips and garden your way to better health.

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