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Times are tough for everyone at the moment and the benefits of the outdoors and staying healthy are more important than ever.

Encourage yourself to get outdoors and exercise, while raising funds for Thrive. Get moving to change lives using gardening!

It doesn’t matter what you do - whether you decide to run, walk, cycle or something else, your efforts in raising money for Thrive are always appreciated. No matter how much you raise we'd love for you, your friends and your family to join in.

Need help with some ideas? We challenge you to...

  • Do the couch to 5k
  • Run or walk a marathon
  • Jump on a trampoline 43,000 times in one month (we are 43 years old after all)
  • Have a 24hr dance competition
  • Play a football match dressed up as your favourite cartoon characters
  • Compete in a tennis tournament
  • Cycle 266.5 miles between June and August (roughly the distance between all our centres - choose to do it in one month if you want a big challenge!)

*The Just Giving event starts on May 1st but don't feel that your challenge needs to start then - you've got all summer!*

Set up your JustGiving page

Join the 'Get moving for money this summer' event

Start fundraising
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Share your story with us by contacting fundraising@thrive.org.uk as we'd love to hear how you are choosing to get moving and raise funds for Thrive!

All you have to do is, choose your challenge and sign up to our event on Justgiving and share, share and share away - it really is that simple!

Who we help

Hear from some of the client gardeners who attend our programmes across the UK and why they enjoy gardening with Thrive.

Find out more

Join the Summer Fundraise-athon!

Set up your JustGiving page today
Freddie running