In our ‘Gardening and Men’ survey, we asked participants to share advice for anyone looking to get started or to do more in the garden.
Here are some of the many helpful tips.
1. Make the time for it even if you’re busy
“Don’t hesitate, it’s good for the mind, body and soul as well as encouraging fauna & flora.”
“It’s hard to find time for yourself when every minute seems filled. Yet I’ve found that when I garden time slows as I settle into the green space around me. Sometimes just the wind in my hair, and sun on my back is enough. It’s a space to breathe, and just, be.”
“Just get out there and feel the soil!”
“Go and do 15 mins of deadheading, pull up a few weeds, trim the hedge.”
2. Choose activities you want to do
“Enjoy it - do something that sparks your passion.”
“Find your passion, vegetables, compost, building raised beds, but get outside daily!”
“Grow plants that you enjoy looking at (ornamentals) and eating (consumables). Try growing things from seed or cuttings. It is so rewarding, cheaper than buying plants and more ecologically sustainable. Visit beautiful gardens whenever you can to gain inspiration. Be creative and make your garden unique to you.”
3. Keep things simple and don’t put pressure on yourself
“Start with simple tasks and remember no one knows what every green thing is called.”
“If the jobs you need to do in your garden seem overwhelming limit yourself to one job at a time and for about half an hour.”
“Do it. Don't feel under pressure to do anything in particular, it's perfectly OK to just wander around or just sit looking at the life there.”
“Remember that it is supposed to be fun whether you are good at it doesn’t matter.”
“Start with something small, planting a pot etc and see how the fruits of your labours grow!”
“No experience. No matter. Get out and do something. It'll help with your head if having problems.”
4. Make time to enjoy and appreciate your efforts
“Remember it's a place to relax too.”
“Don't forget to stop and enjoy the space, don't just see the things that need to be done, focus on what you have achieved.”
“Stop stressing the little stuff. Enjoy finding a frog, a plant you thought had died. My partner has had her hands in the soil for years and I was a bit dismissive of it. Love being outside now.”