Helpful Information
Timing: Spring, summer, autumn
Where to do it: Outdoors
Garden space: Small garden, large garden
Timing: Spring, summer, autumn
Where to do it: Outdoors
Garden space: Small garden, large garden
You may find that some of the more physical lawn care activities are too much for you. Lots of companies around the country offer lawn care and maintenance services. Getting professional help could also save the expense of buying or hiring equipment you only use once or twice a year.
Some lawn care activities can be done a number of times every year, like mowing. Others only need doing every few years, like aerating and scarifying. You could choose to do these less frequent activities in spring or autumn.
These are the key lawn activities to do by season:
Read more about the main lawn care activities and how to do them below.
I've learnt how to use a hoe, I've learnt how to use an edger. I like anything new - I like a challenge, without hurting myself!
Rebecca, client gardener
When: spring, summer and autumn
How often: every 1-2 weeks, depending how fast your grass is growing
Mowing the lawn simply means cutting the grass, and there are many ways to do it.
You can start mowing in spring, once the grass has recovered after winter. Continue mowing regularly until autumn if you wish.
Lawn mowers usually allow you to set the blades at different heights. This keeps the grass a bit longer, or shorter, as desired. For the first cut of the year, always keep the blades as high as possible. You just want to do a light trim! After that, they can gradually be set lower.
Read our dedicated guide to mowing the lawn for more detailed advice, including ways to make it easier.
People have very different opinions of what a beautiful lawn looks like. You could choose to mow your lawn less often. This may encourage flowers like clover to grow that insects love. Long grass will be harder to mow and clear and for some may make getting across the lawn difficult.
When: spring, summer and autumn
How often: typically, every third mow
When you edge your lawn, you create neat definition between your lawn and your beds, borders and pathways.
Some people choose to edge their lawn every time they mow. Equally, it’s fine to do it every third mow or less, depending how long the grass is. It’s a question of personal taste.
It can make sense to edge your lawn before you mow it. You can then use a rake or leaf blower to move the cuttings onto your lawn. These will be picked up when you mow.
For more detailed advice, read our guide to lawn edging.
When: spring and autumn
How often: every year (once in each season)
What you need
Essential tools
Optional tools
Lawns benefit from a nutritious feed as much as people do. In spring, feeding improves growth and in autumn it encourages roots to develop.
There are a range of different feed types. Some liquid ones need to be mixed in a watering can, or some allow you to use your hosepipe. Dry feeds do not need to be mixed with water before applying.
Apply your lawn feed evenly across your lawn, following the specific instructions on the packet.
Dry lawn feed is generally lighter work to apply. Be aware, if you use this you will need to water the lawn afterwards. You could use a sprinkler to do this. Or, if you manage to choose a day before heavy rain is due, you may be able to save yourself the job of watering.
A wheeled lawn feed applicator helps to spread dry feed evenly across your lawn. It is particularly useful if you have a large lawn, or have difficulty walking.
When: spring or autumn
How often: every 2-3 years
What you need
Essential tools
Optional tools
Aerating helps ensure that air and water can get to the roots of your grass. Lawns usually need aerating every 2-3 years in either spring or autumn. As a test, push the metal bit of a screwdriver into the lawn. If you can’t push it into the ground, you may need to aerate.
To aerate your lawn, spike holes all over it. Space these around 20cm apart. To make your holes, press the tines of a garden fork or aerator into the soil.
Once you have aerated your lawn, you may want to gently rake in a top dressing. You can buy bags of this from garden centres. This will give some extra nutrients to your lawn.
Aerating the lawn can strain your back, arms and hands as you lift the tool out. Always 'warm up' with a few gentle stretches first, do a little at a time, and keep your back straight.
Make sure you aerate when the soil is not too dry or too wet, as this will make it harder to do.
Special spiked aerating ‘shoes’ are available. They are generally felt to be difficult to balance on and not very effective. Do read reviews if you are considering them.
Aerating your lawn every few years is good for it, but if it seems challenging, it’s not necessary. Your lawn will be ok without it!
When: late spring or early autumn
How often: recommended once every 2 years
What you need
Essential tools
Optional tools
Scarifying sounds complicated, the good news is that it’s very simple to do!
Over time, your lawn will collect dead grass and moss on top (known as ‘thatch’). This is bad for the health of your grass, as it stops water and nutrients getting to the roots.
To remove this unwanted material, rake gently all over your lawn. Don’t press too hard, as you don’t want to damage the soil when you do it. Some people prefer to scarify in autumn, when there are no new grass shoots to disturb.
Once done, you will have lots of piles of raked grass or thatch across your lawn. Pop these in your compost if you have one, or in your garden waste bin.
Scarifying can be tiring work. You don’t need to do it all in one go. Work in sections and take breaks.
Attach a back saving tool grip towards the top of the handle of your rake. This allows you to work at a more upright angle, reducing bending.
Use a long-handled leaf grabber to collect raked grass or thatch from your lawn without bending.
Lawns are pretty tough and resilient. In a hot year, you may end up with a very dry, brown lawn by autumn.
A long spell of rain will fix it. Or, you may get bare patches that need some more grass seed. There are always ways to help your lawn get back to its best.