A row of hyacinths in vases
In this guide, we look at how you can grow hyacinths indoors by planting bulbs in a jar or vase.

Helpful information

Timing: Autumn (plant bulbs in September if you would like flowers in time for Christmas)

Where to do it: Indoors

Garden space: Indoors

  • Planting bulbs is a good activity for gardeners of every level of experience
  • This is a light physical task that can help build strength and co-ordination
  • Growing plants indoors allows you to get the benefits of nature inside your home

Essential items

  • Prepared hyacinth bulbs
  • A suitable small jam jar or hyacinth vase
  • Water
  • Gloves

Top tip

It is sensible to wear gloves when touching hyacinth bulbs, as they can cause skin irritation.

Follow these steps to plant hyacinth bulbs indoors with ease.

Step 1: Gather your equipment

Planting hyacinth bulbs gathering equipment
Equipment for planting hyacinth bulbs including bulbs, jars and gloves

You are best buying special pre-prepared hyacinth bulbs for this. These are bulbs that have been pre-chilled to fool them into thinking they have already been through a cold winter. This helps the flower sprout and grow.

When choosing your container, you want a clear jar with a narrow top. A small jam jar, or special hyacinth vase is ideal. These will hold the bulb in place just above the water and allow you to see the roots develop.

Step 2: Fill the jar or vase with water

Hyacinth vase filled with water
A clear jar filled to the neck with water

Fill your jar or vase with water. You could fill it from the tap or use a small watering can to do this.

Add water up to the narrow part of the jar or vase, just below where the bottom of the bulb will sit. This will stop the bulb being completely covered by water and rotting.

Step 3: Put the bulb in place

A hyacinth bulb in place on top of a jar
A hyacinth bulb in place on top of a jar

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Place the bulb on top of the jar. Make sure you have your gloves on for this step, as you are touching the bulb.

You want the pointy end of the bulb to be facing upwards.

Step 4: Place it somewhere cool and dark

You want to keep your hyacinth bulb in a cool, dark place that is below 10 degrees C. A shed or garage is ideal. If this isn't possible, you could put a cardboard box over the top of your bulb or loosely cover with a black bin bag.

It needs to stay in this cool, dark spot for 4-6 weeks, or until roots have formed.

Step 5: Keep the water topped up

Check on your bulb every so often. Add some more water if needed, if the level goes down below where the bulb is.

Step 6: Bring into a light spot and enjoy!

A row of hyacinths in vases
A row of hyacinths in vases

You will see a strong, green shoot emerge from your bulb. Once this is about 7-10cm tall, you can move your jar or vase into a light spot in your home. Now, you can enjoy watching the flower gradually develop.

Turn the glass a bit every day. If it stays in the same position, the plant may stretch towards the light and end up toppling over. Keep the water level topped up.

To keep your hyacinth flowering for longer, we recommend placing your jar on a cool windowsill instead of the middle of a hot room.

Some bulbs can be planted out in the garden after flowering. Hyacinths do not usually flower very well when you do this. It is probably best to just enjoy them this year, then add to the compost pile when done.

You could always give planting in the garden a go and just see what happens!

If you prefer a video guide, watch our step by step instructions here.

How to plant hyacinth bulbs video

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